Summer Travel Essentials

The thrill of heading out onto the highway during the summer with the windows rolled down is not just a picturesque idea from the movies. You can enjoy some leisure time while on your way to your favorite destinations – and you deserve it. However, if you’re not prepared for that summer road trip, it could impact your happiness, as well as the happiness of your passengers.

As you begin to pack all the necessities, make sure to put these summer road trip essentials in your bag.

Phone Charger

The last thing you want is to be stranded in a strange place or on the side of the road without a phone that is fully charged. You have options, though. Pack an extra cord for all of your electronics, invest in a car charger or battery pack and don’t forget to toss in a phone charger to use overnight at your hotel or vacation destination.


Protect your skin even as you’re driving down the road by packing sunscreen. It is entirely possible to get a sunburn through a vehicle window. And, you never know when you’ll want to stop at a beach on the way to soak up some sun. Keep your skin free from the harm of UV rays with a sunscreen that is at least 30 SPF.

Reusable Shopping Bag

When you’re traveling long distances in the car, it’s more than likely going to need some TLC when you stop. Bring along a reusable shopping bag to pick up candy wrappers, napkins, tissues and any other type of trash that you may find that is taking up valuable space in your vehicle.

The Ultimate Playlist

Tunes are a key element of a good road trip. Before you head out onto the road, create a playlist on your smartphone or Bluetooth enabled device so you can add some energy to the drive. In addition, if you love listening to audiobooks or podcasts, download a few to keep you entertained on back roads and highways that may not offer strong signals for your smartphone.

CBD Products

When you’re in an unfamiliar place and sleeping in a hotel, sometimes it feels a little awkward, which ultimately disrupts your quality of sleep. Bring along your CBD products to help take the edge off. CBD oil and products can help to minimize anxiety and assist with chronic pain and certain medical conditions, too.


There are so many options to pay for your goods that do not require you to carry cash. From your smartphone’s wallet and Apple Pay to credit cards, cash has lost its value as an essential. But, when you’re traveling through small towns on a road trip, you may encounter places of business that only take cash. Make sure that you have enough of the green packed to get you by.

Most importantly, pack a positive attitude as you head out the door so that your road trip is full of memories that last a lifetime.